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第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50)

第一节 (15 小题;每小题2.5,满分 37.5)



For the 150th anniversary of the first Impressionist exhibition, the Musée dOrsay, which houses the worlds largest collection of this current, is offering a major retrospective (回顾展) of this artistic trend with Paris 1874: Inventing Impressionism from March 26 to July 14.

150 years ago, on April 15, 1874, in a luxurious photographer Nadar’s studio in northern Paris, Berthe Morisot, Edouard Degas and Claude Monet came together as a cooperative limited company to open the first Impressionist exhibition, a movement that would forever change the course of art history.

The retrospective will take visitors on a virtual tour to the very moment 150 years ago. During the 40-minute immersive (沉浸的) tour, visitors will spend a virtual evening with the famous impressionists and travel by steam train to Bougival, west of Paris, where many of them worked. Visitors will then tour the main exhibition, which opens into a gallery with Renoir’s La Parisienne and La Danseuse that featured in the 1874 exhibition,and other impressionist paintings, drawings and sculptures.

“The immersive experience is unique and innovative. You can go into this exhibition and relive the evening with the artists and discover the origin of this movement. We want to recreate the emotion for visitors of the 1874 exhibition,”said Abastado, director of digital development at the Muséed’Orsay.


* The experience is suitable for children of 11 y/o and above; children under 8 y/o are prohibited.

*We remind you that, in view of the technology used, virtual reality experiences are not recommended for people with balance or vision disorders.

*Walkers and motorized wheelchairs are not permitted in the space, but manual wheelchairs are accepted.

1. What’s the retrospective mainly aimed at?

A. Protecting cultural diversity.B. Fueling people’s love for art.

C. Showing honor to late artists.D. Marking the birth of a movement.

2. What can be experienced during the virtual tour?

A. Painting a picture on the spot.B. Driving a steam train in person.

C. Meeting famous impressionists.D. Staying overnight in the gallery.

3. Who is the most suitable to visit the exhibition?

A. An eight-year-old boy.B. An adult with a walker.

C. A visually-challenged girl.D. A teenager in a manual wheelchair.


Travelling seemed like falsehood to me. I grew tired of backpackers expressing too much praise about how petting a baby elephant in Thailand “transformed” them.Globe-traveling to me held no more promise than finding a few bills in the pocket of an old coat. I needed something deeper than an Eat, Play, Love moment.

One day, Vasilis, my Greek best friend, reminded me of our decade-old promise:after our final exams, I would visit his hometown in Athens. Maybe, it was time to make good on that promise.

I finally boarded the plane. Vasilis picked me up at the airport. I smiled, thinking how improbable this moment seemed all those years ago.

The decade-long wait proved to be well worth it. Every step through the ancient streets revealed new wonders. However, non e of them truly mattered. What would forever alter my perception of travel was a chance encounter with a local.

Vasilis and I were wandering Athens when a special sound caught our attentiona rhythmic clinking disturbing the quietness of the residential street. Curiously, we followed the sound to a humble workshop. Inside, a welder (焊工) gave no mind to our presence behind him. He wore no flashy protective suit—this was just another day for him, another dance with fire and metal that had become second nature. Under the sunshade, his orange cat rested in the comforting warmth...

As the man continued welding, I felt a bit of envy. I envied his peace and contentment. I admired the simplicity he embodied. I imagined the welder happy, finding fulfillment in his craft (手艺) and returning to his loving family.... The moment moved me to tears. Leaving the workshop, rain blending with tears, I realized how easily life’spoetry could pass unnoticed.

Home again in Montreal, I stop simply pursuing better things, better experiences and better people that are never grasped. I realize the real journey is inward—to appreciate life’s ordinary magic. That sure beats petting any baby elephant. I may not have returned home“transformed,”but I’ll always think of the welder and his cat.

4. Which aspect of travelling makes the author feel uneasy?

A. Shortage of adequate funds.B. Discomfort in dietary habits.

C. Overstatement of travel’s effects.D. Danger of petting baby animals.

5. What drove the author to go to Athens?

A. Meeting a commitment.B. Exploring a unique landscape.

C. Receiving further education.D. Escaping from the current life.

6. What does the underlined word“poetry”in paragraph 6 probably refer to?

A. Poems written by masters.B. Peace and simplicity.

C. Spirit of craftsmanship.D. Special sound in the street.

7. Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Friendship Lasts ForeverB. Travelling Shapes a Better Self

C. Pursuit of Happiness Never StopsD. The Ordinary Makes Extraordinary


In 2024, the Nature Conservancy launched two 5-year pilot projects at working ranches (牧场) in Kansas and New Mexico to determine if virtual fences enable land managers to better perform regenerative management practices and to assess potential benefits forbiodiversity and for ranchers’bottom lines, as well as impacts on soil carbon storage.

Applauded by the U. S. Department of Agriculture as a climate adaption strategy, virtual fencing is an innovative technology that enables ranchers to use a smartphone or web app to remotely monitor and control where and when cattle graze (吃草). Virtual fences can reduce the need for physical fences, which require significant time, expense and labor to maintain. Physical fences also limit land managers in their ability to change grazing boundaries to adapt to seasonal changes in vegetation or to exclude cattle from ecologically sensitive areas.

The cows are outfitted with battery-operated, GPS-enabled collars that send out a radio frequency to communicate with reception towers, creating virtual grazing boundaries set by a rancher. When a cow approaches the edge of the virtual boundary, the collar produces a sound signaling it to turn around. If the cow proceeds to cross the boundary, it receives a momentary mild shock, signaling that it’s gone too far and should rejoin its group.

Grasslands are the least protected habitat on earth and one of the most effective carbon sinks, storing up to 20% of the world’s soil organic carbon. Unfortunately,grasslands are continuing to rapidly disappear for several reasons. For ecological health,most grassland ecosystems need periods of disturbance to aerate (使透气) the soil, stimulate plant growth and recycle nutrients into the soil. Ranchers complete this disturbance-rest cycle by managing the timing, location, herd size and intensity of grazing activities, all of which can be time-consuming and painstaking.

“Currently, the costs of virtual fencing are still high, but in the long run it can help land managers better carry out management practices that regenerate land health, help address climate change and biodiversity loss,” said William Burnidge, director of theNature Conservancy.

8. What’s stressed concerning virtual fencing in paragraph 2?

A. Its smart design.B. Its major advantages.C. Its wide application.D. Its working principles.

9. What does the mild shock indicate to the cow?

A. It’s time to return.B. It’s time to graze.

C. It’s in danger.D. It’s in a wrong direction.

10. What’s unavoidable for ranchers to complete the disturbance-rest cycle?

A. Intense efforts.B. Polluted soil.C. Financial failure.D. Ecological imbalance.

11. What’s Mr. Burnidge’s attitude to virtual fencing?

A. Intolerant.B. Objective.C. Doubtful.D. Conservative.


Over the past few months, I’ve been invited to speak with well-known writers,musicians and film producers regarding my recent book, Extraterrestrial. Prior to these conversations, I was on the receiving (and admiring) end of their artistic work, but now they were curious about my own research as a scientist. Thereverseled me to recognize the similarities between innovation in the arts and the sciences.

In sciences and arts alike, creativity appears magically as an unpredictable fountain of inspiration from the subconscious (潜意识). Its unexpected content breaks routines within traditional thinking. It delivers something . new that is distinct from common practices,often taking people out of their comfort zone because it is ahead of its time. As a result,many innovators are laughed at and denied the recognition they deserve when they need it the most.

There are many examples of such circumstances. In 1933 Fritz Zwicky inferred the existence of“dark matter”, but it took four decades for this concept to gain recognition within the astronomy community. Vincent van Gogh was considered a madman and a failure throughout his life. Today, his paintings are among the most expensive ever sold,though.

Typically, life offers two ways of acquiring objects. One is by collecting available items, and the other is by creating things that never existed before. Whereas most items on the shelves of supermarkets are mass-produced, products that are newly created by artists or scientists are originally unique. Just like aging wine, a product of creative work acquires quality over time. It is colored by the response of the audience as well as by imitations. The initial circumstances are a reminder of an admirable baby. It is fascinating for a scientist or an artist to watch the interaction of their creation with the world, just as it is for parents to watch their children.

Creativity in arts and sciences establishes a backdrop for human existence, as the content it invents gives pleasure and meaning to our lives. The human act of creation is an infinite-sum game, from which all of us benefit. And we can all participate in the creative process.

12. Which can best replace the underlined word“reverse”in paragraph 1?

A. Priority.B. Assumption.C. Shift.D. Preference.

13. What can best describe creativity in sciences and arts?

A. It tends to be forecastable.B. It mirrors common beliefs.

C. It usually leads the times.D. It enjoys instant acceptance.

14. What can be inferred from paragraph 4?

A. Creative works withstand the test of time.B. Mass-produced items are preferable.

C. Old wine can’t be put into new bottles.D. Inventiveness starts from childhood.

15. What’s the purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To clarify a concept.B. To launch an appeal.

C. To offer an entertainment.D. To advocate a lifestyle.

第二节 (5 小题;每小题2.5 ,满分 12.5)


Providing feedback is an essential part of personal and career development.    16   One of the most effective and classic methods to make it easier for both the giver and receiver is the feedback sandwich technique, sometimes also referred to as a compliment (赞美) sandwich.

If you are seeking to enhance your career growth, learning about the feedback sandwich can be a game-changer.   17   Rather than simply focusing on what went wrong, it ensures that the person receiving the feedback also knows what went well.The process can be broken into three parts. A manager or superior starts by providing positive feedback to encourage a person to continue their good work. Afterward, they communicate constructive feedback for the person to improve. This feedback aims to be specific, behavioral, and relevant to the situation.   18

The feedback sandwich technique is a highly useful method. It can help soften the blow of criticism. By starting and ending with positive feedback, it’s easier for the recipient to receive the constructive criticism without feeling attacked.   19   As we all know, criticism is awkward, but when you’re giving potentially negative feedback, it’s easier when you’re also serving it up with two compliments. Additionally, it enables the meeting or an interaction to end on a positive note.

20   Many people are knowledgeable about this technique, which might make it sound insincere or predictable if not done correctly. Also, when feedback becomes a routine, employees can start to perceive positive feedback as simply a form of sugarcoating the negatives, thus reducing its value. Hence, positive feedback should not simply be seen as something to cushion the negative, but should be delivered so as to reinforce and encourage good performance.

A. It’s essential to be aware of its limitations, though.

B. Similarly, it is also easier for the giver to offer feedback.

C. The manager then ends the feedback session with positive feedback.

D. The technique may lead to unclear and indirect personal communication.

E. Delivering constructive criticism, however, can be challenging if not done correctly.

F. It may not be for every situation, but it can make negative feedback more digestible.

G. This technique involves using constructive feedback wrapped between two layers of positive feedback.

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30)

第一节 (15 小题;每小题1,满分 15 )


I’d been exploring the 40-hectare woods around our cottage my whole life and I knew the way well. So it was a   21   when I found myself lost there.

One dull cold February afternoon, I had a sudden    22   to hike the hill with my two daughters. Putting on our snowshoes, we immediately   23   northwestward. While making our way up the hill, my daughters stopped occasionally to investigate unknown plants and to look at the abandoned deer beds.... These really made their   24   .

As the shadows started to    25   , we moved further up. Soon, weariness began to   26    enthusiasm. We decided to return. Instead of backtracking over our    27    route, I chose to walk down the steep(陡峭的) side of the hill,   28    my general sense that ahead of us lay the stream that would guide us to the road. But as the terrain (地形) leveled out, I had my first major moment of    29   : Where was the stream? Were we off course?

I instinctively (本能地) pulled out my phone to get my location, but it   30    in my hand in the cold air.    31   , I started feeling a bit panicky. However, I quickly    32   myself, reassuring my daughters to continue walking. Focusing on the landmarks, I spotted a familiar tree and eventually   33    the road.

That winter’s day taught me a valuable lesson about habitual reliance on technology.If my phone had    34    then, I might have directly followed the GPS, ignoring the old  35   of depending on surroundings and life skills.

21. A. challengeB. shockC. rewardD. reminder

22. A. discoveryB. responseC. worryD. urge

23. A. escapedB. droveC. headedD. looked

24. A. reputationB. dreamC. dayD. way

25. A. lengthenB. swingC. emergeD. fade

26. A. fuelB. witnessC. overlookD. outpace

27. A. originalB. roughC. offbeatD. roundabout

28. A. appreciatingB. trustingC. envisioningD. assessing

29. A. curiosityB. comparisonC. doubtD. anticipation

30. A. diedB. slippedC. flashedD. rang

31. A. ReportedlyB. AdmittedlyC. SeeminglyD. Surprisingly

32. A. exposedB. composedC. defendedD. behaved

33. A. got offB. laid downC. came acrossD. made out

34. A. workedB. remainedC. changedD. overheated

35. A. theoryB. standardC. practiceD. routine

第二节 (10 小题;每小题1.5,满分 15)


The Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo, once struggling to sustain its   36   (survive),has undergone a remarkable turnaround. It has become a popular destination   37   visitors can glimpse diverse animals and appreciate the beauty and significance of life.

The man behind    38    U-turn is Shen Zhijun, an animal welfare advocate. LastAugust, Shen took to the Internet   39  (publicize) his decade-long reform efforts—a comprehensive campaign transforming the conventional zoo into a conservation-focused sanctuary (保护区). During his 30-minute speech    40    (title) A Zoos Pursuit, Shen showcased the successful changes that he had performed.

After witnessing the helpless and hopeless expressions of the animals, Shen’s team set about making changes.   41   (initial), they removed animal shows, which traditionally serve as the financial backbone of zoos. Subsequently, they transformed the park’s landscape, cleverly using the   42 (exist) mountainous terrain of Hongshan to reproduce the natural habitats of animals in the wild. Plus, they introduced“multi-level villas”where animals belonging to the same ecological zone but not occupying the base of the food chain can   43    (house) together, based on their ecological and geographical distribution.

This zoo has emerged 44 the most animal-friendly zoo in China. Striking a balance between respecting animals’dignity and providing visitors with enjoyable experiences is a challenging task,   45   Shen’s team has successfully achieved it.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40)

第一节 (满分 15 )

假定你是李华,你校外教Ryan拟举办英语读书会(English Reading Bar)活动,想了解哪类图书更能吸引学生。请你给外教写一封邮件,内容包括:




1.写作词数应为 80个左右;


Dear Ryan,

Best regards,

Li Hua

第二节 (满分25 )


The Champion of No Score

Maggie hated Tuesdays-Tuesdays meant gym class, gym class meant picking teams and picking teams meant Maggie would be picked last.

As a newcomer, she’d come up with a special title for each classmate to remember the other kids. There was Kevin, Champion of the Clean Desk, Lynnie, Champion of Knowing the AnswerFirst.... Thinking hard, she finally decided her own title: Champion of Quiet.

Maggie felt blue as Tuesday fell again. Mr. Murphy, the gym teacher, asked for volunteer captains to pick their own basketball teams. The usual hands shot into the air.Maggie sighed and glanced to her right. She caught the eye of Jasmine, Champion ofAwkward, a girl who was sometimes picked last, too. Then Maggie had an idea. So whenMr. Murphy asked if anyone else wanted to volunteer, Maggie felt her hand slowly rise.Looking again at Jasmine, she took a big breath. Maybe it was time for her to use her voice.

“Maggie?”Mr. Murphy smiled.“You want a turn?”

“Yes,”she said.

The class whispered. Maggie leading a team?

“Yes,”she answered again, louder this time.

Mr. Murphy waved Maggie to the front, where the other three captains-Champion ofJumping Rope, Champion of Never Misses a Shot, and Champion of Doesn’t Know How to Lose-stood, ready to choose their teams.

“Maggie, you get first pick,”said Mr. Murphy.“Jasmine,”announced Maggie. The class snickered. A joke? More than once, Jasmine had tried to score on the wrong basket.Eyes wide, Jasmine took her place beside Maggie. The other three captains called out familiar names—the best players on the basketball court. It was Maggie’s turn again.“Ichoose Frank.”Frank(Champion of the Untied Shoelace) could not throw, or catch. He knew what it felt like to be the last pick. But not today.

Three very talented teams took shape. And then there was Maggie’s team. Maggie looked at her teammates. There stood Jasmine and Frank, plus Gillian (Champion ofChatter) and George (Champion of Sleepy). “I have chosen the worst team in the history of the world,”Maggie thought to herself.


1.续写词数应为 150个左右;


Hand in hand, the Maggie team walked onto the court.

They did lose big, but something positive began to unfold in them.




1-3 DCD

4-7 CABD

8-11 BAAB

12-15 CCAB


16-20 EGCBA


21-25 BDCCA

26-30 DABCA

31-35 BBDAC


36. survival

37. where

38. the

39. to publicize

40. titled

41. Initially

42. existing

43. be housed

44. as

45. but/yet01传统阅读


1-3 DCD

4-7 CABD

8-11 BAAB

12-15 CCAB




第1题 D 这个问题询问的是回顾展的主要目的。根据原文的描述:“150 years ago… Impressionist exhibition, a movement that would forever change the course of art history.” 这句话说明,展览的目的是为了标记一个永远改变艺术历史进程的运动——即印象派的诞生。因此,选项D“标记一个运动的诞生”是正确答案,而没有直接提到保护文化多样性、激发人们对艺术的爱好或向已故艺术家致敬这些目的。

第2题 C 这个问题询问的是在虚拟游览期间,参观者可以经历的事情。根据原文:“During the 40-minute immersive tour, visitors will spend a virtual evening with the famous impressionists…” 这意味着参观者将在虚拟环境中与著名的印象派画家相遇。故选项C“会见著名的印象派画家”是符合原文描述的正确答案。其他选项如现场绘画、亲自驾驶蒸汽火车或在画廊过夜并未在原文中提及。

第3题 D 这个问题询问的是谁最适合参观展览。原文提供了参观指南,包括:“* Walkers and motorized wheelchairs are not permitted in the space, but manual wheelchairs are accepted.” 根据这段描述,不能使用助行器和电动轮椅的人被明确禁止进入,但手动轮椅是被接受的。因此,选项D“一个使用手动轮椅的青少年”是最符合要求的参观者。选项A和B因年龄和设备限制而不合适,而C选项中的视觉障碍女孩由于可能受到视觉或平衡障碍警告的影响,也不是最佳选择。


kpackers expressing too much praise about how petting a baby elephant in Thailand ‘transformed’ them典的原因是:“One day, Vasilis, my Greek best friend, reminded me of our decade-old promise: after our fina诺”是根据原文内容选出的正确答案。第6题 B 文中提到的“poetry”一词,“I realized how easily life’s poetry could pass unnoticed.” 根下文推断出的合理答案。本身就充满了非凡的意义。“I stop simply pursuing better things, better experiences and better people that are nev非凡转向欣赏内心世界与日常生活的美好。因此,选项D“平凡造就非凡”最为贴切地概括了全文的主旨。


第8题 B 第二段强调了虚拟围栏的多个优势,例如:“Virtual fences can reduce the need for physical fences, which require significant time, expense and labor to maintain.” 和 “Physical fences also limit land managers in their ability to change grazing boundaries…” 说明虚拟围栏能够减少物理围栏的维护成本和劳力,同时为地管理者提供更大的灵活性。

第9题 A 原文中提及,“If the cow proceeds to cross the boundary, it receives a momentary mild shock, signaling that it’s gone too far and should rejoin its group.” 这说明轻微的电击是为了告诉牛它已经超出了边界,并应该回到群体中去,因此“A. 它的返回时间。”为正确答案。第10题 A 原文中描述了,“Ranchers complete this disturbance-rest cycle by managing the timing, location, herd size and intensity of grazing activities, all of which can be time-consuming and painstaking.” 这强调了完成这一周期所需的时间消耗和精心管理,因此“A. 强烈的努力。”是正确答案。第11题 B 文章最后一部分引用Burnidge的话,“Currently, the costs of virtual fencing are still high, but in the long run it can help land managers better carry out management practices that regenerate land health, helps address climate change and biodiversity loss,” 暗示了他认为虚拟围栏虽然初期成本高昂,但长远来看,对于改善土地健康、应对气候变化和生物多样性损失具有积极的作用。这个评价是基于事实和长远影响的考虑,所以被视为是客观的态度。


第12题 C 原文提到:“Prior to these conversations, I was on the receiving (and admiring) end of their artistic work, but now they were curious about my own research as a scientist. The reverse led me to recognize…” (在这些对话之前,我在接收(并且欣赏)他们艺术作品的一端,但现在他们对我作为一名科学家的研究感到好奇。这种反转使我认识到…)。这里提到的“reverse”指的是情况的改变,即从他们的艺术作品的接受者变为别人对他研究的兴趣者,因此“转变”(Shift)是最符合的替换词。第13题 C 原文表达:“Its unexpected content breaks routines within traditional thinking…often taking people out of their comfort zone because it is ahead of its time.”(它的出人意料的内容打破了传统思考中的常规…通常会让人们走出舒适区,因为它领先于时代。)这表明,无论是科学还是艺术的创新常常领先于时代,是引领时代的,因此C项“它通常引领时代”最符合。

第14题 A 原文中提及:“Just like aging wine, a product of creative work acquires quality over time. It is colored by the response of the audience as well as by imitations.”(就像陈年的葡萄酒,创造性工作的产物会随时间质量提升。它受到观众响应和模仿的影响。)这表明,创造性的作品能够经受时间的考验,随时间提升其价值,正如A项所述。

第15题 B 最后一段强调,“Creativity in arts and sciences establishes a backdrop for human existence, as the content it invents gives pleasure and meaning to our lives…And we can all participate in the creative process.”(艺术和科学中的创造力为人类存在奠定了背景,因为它创造的内容给我们的生活带来了乐趣和意义…我们都可以参与到创造过程中。)这一段旨在倡导一种生活方式,即鼓励大家参与到创造性工作中,享受创造带来的乐趣和意义,因此B项,“发出一次呼吁”是正确的。027选5阅读


16-20 EGCBA



第16题 E 前文讲了提供反馈是个人和职业发展的重要组成部分。于是此处转折然而如果方法不正确,提出建设性的批评会很有挑战性。故本题选E.Delivering constructive criticism , however , can be challenging if not done correctly。

第17题 G 本段介绍了反馈三明治技术,而G选项开头This technique 正是指此技术。故本题选G。

第18题 C 本段讲了The process can be broken into three parts . A manager or superior starts by providing positive …管理者需要负责的三个步骤故本题选C . The manager then ends the feedback session with positive feedback。

第19题 B 前文提到 , it s easier for the recipient to receive the constructive criticism without feeling attacked .接受者更容易接受建设性的批评,而不会感到受到攻击。站在接受者角度。故本题选 B . Similarly , it is also easier for the giver to offer feedback . 同样,给予者也更容易提供反馈。则站在了给予着角度。第20题 A 第三段The feedback sandwich technique is a highly useful method . 讲了三明治技术的实用性。而本段Many people are knowledgeable about this technique , which might make it sound insincere or predictable if not done correctly . 许多人都了解这种技术,如果操作不当,可能会使其听起来不真诚或可预测。本段讲了此技术的局限性,故选A。03完形填空


21-25 BDCCA

26-30 DABCA

31-35 BBDAC



第21题 B本段在文中采用倒叙。先讲了自己对这树林的了解程度高,于是当自己迷路时感到震惊。故本体选B.shock。

第22题 D 一个无聊寒冷的二月下午,我突然渴望去山上远足。故本题选D.urge冲动;强烈的欲望。

第23题 C 穿上雪鞋,我们立刻朝西北方向前进。故本题选C.headed 朝(某方位)行进。

第24题 C 由前一句一路上女儿们偶尔停下来研究未知的植物和废弃的鹿床…这些真的使她们开心make ones day 使某人开心。故本题选C。

第25题 A 当影子开始拉长,我们进一步向上移动。故选A。

第26题 D 由下一句我们决定返回得知本处是疲倦超过了热情。故选D。

第27题 A 作为原路返回的代替,我们决定走山陡峭的一侧。backtracking原路返回。故本题选A.原来的。

第28题 B 由第一段Id been exploring the 40-hectare woods around our cottage m

第29题 C 由后面两个问句Where was the stream? Were we off course?得知我第一次产生了怀疑。故选C.怀疑。

第30题 A I instinctively pulled out my phone to get my location, but it 30 in my hand in the cold air.我本能地拿出手机来定位,但是我的手机在寒冷的空气中在我的手上死机了。but表转折,故选A。

第31题 B 由前

第32题 B I started feeling a bit panicky. However, I quickly2 myself, 我开始感到恐慌了,然而我迅速使自己镇定。however 表转折 compose oneself 使镇定。故选B。

第33题 DFocusing on the landmarks, I spotted a familiar tree and eventually_ 33 the road.我看到了一棵熟悉的树,最终辨认出了道路。故本题选D。辨认出 A. got off从…下来B. laid down放下C. came across偶遇。

第34题 A 也许会直接跟从定位。故选A。B.仍然是;D.overheaded过热。

第35题 C 忽视了依靠周围环境和生活技巧的这一常规。故本题选C.惯例,常规。A. theory理论B. standard标准C. practice练习,实习;惯例,常规D. routine例行公事,日常工作。



36. survival

37. where

38. the

39. to publicize

40. titled

41. Initially

42. existing

43. be housed

44. as

45. but/yet



第44题 as “as” 引导方式状语从句,表示动物园如何被认为是中国最友好的动物园。

第45题 but/yet “but/yet” 用作转折连词,说明尽管实现两者平衡是一个挑战,但沈志军的团队还是成功做到了。



Dear Ryan,Thrilled to hear about your plans for the English Reading Bar, I would heartily recommend fantasy novels as a captivating choice for our students.Filled with thrilling adventures and memorable characters, fantasy novels can transport readers into magical and imaginative worlds.These narratives, often rich indetail and creativity, spark the imagination and curiosity of young minds. Moreover, they encourage us students to think outside the box and develop a deeper understanding of human nature and ethical dilemmas, By discussing these books, we students can engage in lively debates, exchange ideas, and broaden our perspectives, all enhancing our criticalthinking skills.In conclusion, I firmly believe that fantasy novels will be a thought-provoking addition to the English Reading Bar, fostering a deeper appreciation for literature among our students.Thank you for considering my suggestion.Best regards,Li Hua


Hand in hand, the Maggie team walked onto the court.The other teams looked at them with scornful smiles, assuming that the game would be a quick and easy victory. As the game began, Maggies team displayed a surprising lack of skill, but they played withheart and determination, Jasmine’s awkward attempts at scoring drew laughter, but she persevered, Franks untied shoelaces tripped him up repeatedly, but he never gave up.Gillians chatter turned into encouraging shouts, and Georges sleepy eyes lit up with the excitement of the game. Hard as they tried, they lost the game.They did lose big, but something positive began to unfold in them.For the first time,they tasted the fulfillment and joy of being an integral part of a team, They transformed from a group of individuals to a cohesive unit, supporting and celebrating each other. Asthe final buzzer sounded, Maggie turned towards her team, beaming with pride. “We are,indeed,the Champions of No Score!” she declared and her teammates erupted into cheers.It enlightened them that victory was not solely determined by the scoreboard, but about the journey and the spirit of teamwork.往期精选































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